-- Generated by Babelfish script, do not add strings manually, only translate existing strings. -- Please make sure to save the file as UTF-8, BUT WITHOUT THE UTF-8 BOM HEADER; ¶ local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("Cooldown Buttons", "zhTW") if not L then return end L["Above"] = "上" L["Alpha"] = "透明度" L["Alpha & Scale"] = "透明度和縮放" L["Announcement"] = "通知" L["Announcement Color"] = "通知顏色" L["Announcement Message"] = "通知消息" L["Announcement Settings"] = "通知設置" L["Bar Settings"] = "圖示欄設定" L["Battleground"] = "戰場" L["Below"] = "下" L["Button Alpha"] = "圖示透明度" L["Button Scale"] = "圖示縮放" L["Button Spacing"] = "圖示間距" L["Center from Anchor"] = "以錨點為中心" L["Chat Post"] = "發送到聊天頻道" L["Cooldown Settings"] = "指定顯示" L["Cooldown on $cooldown ready!"] = "Cooldown on 法術名稱 ready!" L["Cooldown on $spell active for $time."] = "$spell在$time內可用." L["Custom Channels"] = "自訂頻道" L["Custom Message"] = "自訂信息" L["Default Chatframe"] = "默認聊天框體" L["Default Font Color"] = "預設文字顏色" L["Default Message: "] = "預設消息:" L["Direction"] = "方向" L["Direction from Anchor."] = "從錨點伸展的方向" L["Direction from primary Row."] = "從基本行的擴展方向" L["Disable"] = "禁用" L["Disable this Buttonbar."] = "禁用這個圖示欄" L["Down"] = "下" L["Drums (Leatherworking)"] = "鼓(制皮)" L["Emote"] = "表情" L["Enable Chat Post"] = "啟用聊天頻道發佈" L["Enable OmniCC Settings (Req. OCC >= 2.1.1)"] = "使用OmniCC設定(需要2.1.1以上版本)" L["Enable Pulse Effect"] = "啟用脈搏" L["Enable Time Limit"] = "使用時間限制" L["Enable flashing Color"] = "使用閃爍文字" L["Enables/Disables Chat Post feature."] = "啟用/禁用聊天頻道發佈功能." L["Expiring"] = "即將完成的冷卻" L["Expiring Cooldowns"] = "即將完成的冷卻" L["Expiring Time"] = "即將完成的冷卻時間" L["Extras"] = "附加" L["Flash Color 1"] = "閃爍顏色1" L["Flash Color 2"] = "閃爍顏色2" L["Flashing Font"] = "閃爍文本" L["Font Color"] = "字體顏色" L["Font Face"] = "字體效果" L["Font Layout"] = "字體佈局" L["Font Settings"] = "字體設定" L["Font outline."] = "字體描邊" L["Font size"] = "字體大小" L["General Settings"] = "一般設定" L["Guild"] = "公會" L["Healthstone"] = "醫療石" L["Here you can Setup at what position the Cooldown Button for the selected Spell should be drawn to."] = "你可以在這裡設置指定技能的冷卻圖示要拖放的位置" L["Hide Anchor"] = "隱藏錨點" L["Hide Button"] = "隱藏圖示" L["Hide Movable Button"] = "隱藏可移動的圖示" L["Hide Pet Spells"] = "隱藏寵物法術" L["HoTs/DoTs"] = "HoT/DoT" -- L["If \'%s\' is disabled use the following Text"] = true L["If you enable the \"Center from Anchor\" you can set \"Direction\" to Up/Down for vertical and Left/Right for horizontal grow."] = "如果你啟用了“以錨點為中心”你可以設置圖示的垂直和水準伸展方向" L["Item Name or ItemID"] = "物品名稱或ID" L["Item to Spells"] = "物品到法術" L["Items"] = "物品" L["Layout"] = "佈局" L["Left"] = "左" L["Left - Down"] = "左下" L["Left - Up"] = "左上" L["Limit (in seconds)"] = "時限(秒)" L["Max Buttons"] = "最大圖示數" L["Max Buttons per Row"] = "每行最大圖示數" L["Maximal number of Buttons per Row to display."] = "每行顯示的最大圖示數" L["Maximal number of Buttons to display."] = "最大顯示圖示數" L["Maximum Cooldown duration to show (in seconds)."] = "可以顯示的最大冷卻時間(秒)" L["Message Settings"] = "資訊設置" L["Move Items to Spells Cooldown Bar"] = "移動物品到法術冷卻欄" L["Multi Row Layout"] = "多行顯示佈局" L["No Channel"] = "沒有頻道" L["No Item given."] = "尚未添加物品" L["No Outline"] = "無描邊" L["Officer"] = "官員" L["Output"] = "輸出" L["Party"] = "小隊" L["Pet Spells"] = "寵物法術" L["Position"] = "位置" L["Position from Button."] = "圖示的位置" L["Potions"] = "藥水" L["Raid"] = "團隊" L["Raidwarning"] = "團隊警報" L["Remove"] = "移除" L["Reverse Cooldowns"] = "反轉" L["Right"] = "右" L["Right - Down"] = "右下" L["Right - Up"] = "右上" L["Row Spacing"] = "行間距" L["Save Button Position"] = "預留圖示位置" L["Save or Hide"] = "預留或隱藏" L["Saved"] = "預留" L["Say"] = "說" L["Set how the Timertext should look like."] = "設定計時文字的顯示方式" L["Set the Button scaling."] = "設定圖示縮放" L["Set the Button transparency."] = "設定圖示透明度" L["Set the Font size."] = "設定字體大小" L["Set the Font type."] = "字體選擇" L["Set the Position on X-Axis."] = "設定X座標" L["Set the Position on Y-Axis."] = "設定Y座標" L["Set the Text to post."] = "設定發佈的文本." L["Set the Text transparency."] = "設定文本透明度" L["Set the default Font color."] = "設定預設的文字顏色" L["Set the flash Font color 1."] = "設定閃爍顏色1" L["Set the flash Font color 2."] = "設定閃爍顏色2" L["Set the spacing between Button and Text."] = "設定圖示和文本的距離" L["Set the spacing between Buttons."] = "設定圖示間距" L["Set the spacing between Rows."] = "設定行間距" L["Show Anchor"] = "顯示錨點" L["Show Cooldown Icon in Annoucnement"] = "在通知中顯示圖示" L["Show Cooldown Spiral"] = "顯示冷卻秒針" L["Show Movable Button"] = "顯示可移動的圖示" L["Show Time"] = "顯示時間" L["Show after Limit"] = "進入限期內顯示" L["Spacing"] = "間距" -- L["Spellgroup: Judgements"] = true L["Spellgroup: Overpower/Revenge"] = "法術組: 壓制/復仇" L["Spellgroup: Shocks"] = "法術組: 震擊" L["Spellgroup: Traps"] = "法術組: 陷阱" L["Spells"] = "法術" L["Spelltree: "] = "技能樹" L["Start Time"] = "開始時間" L["Style"] = "方式" L["Switch to OmniCC settings."] = "切換到OmniCC設定" L["Text Alpha"] = "文本透明度" L["Text Position"] = "文本位置" L["Text Spacing"] = "文本間距" L["The default message is: %s"] = "預設信息: %s" L["The following Options are only aviable if OmniCC Settings are disabled for this Bar."] = "以下選項只有禁用OmniCC設定時才會對圖示欄起作用" L["Thick Outline"] = "粗描邊" L["Thin Outline"] = "細描邊" L["This option will not affect the \'$icon\' Tag."] = "此選項不影響 \'$icon\' 標籤." L["Time Limit"] = "時間限制" L["Time when the Cooldown should be moved to Expiring Buttonbar (in seconds; 0 = never)."] = "圖示移動到即將完成冷卻圖示欄的時間(秒,0為從不)" L["Time when the flashing should start (in seconds)."] = "文字開始閃爍的時間(秒)" L["Timer Settings"] = "計時設定" L["Timer Style"] = "計時方式" L["Toggle Anchor to be the Center of the bar."] = "是否以錨點作為圖示欄的中心" L["Toggle Pulse effect."] = "是否啟用脈搏效果" L["Toggle flashing Color."] = "是否使用閃爍文字" L["Toggle hiding long Cooldowns."] = "是否隱藏過長的冷卻" L["Toggle how the Cooldowns are shown.\n\nChecked = Long -> Short\nUnchecked = Short -> Long"] = "冷卻計時顯示方式.\n\n勾選 = 長 -> 短\n未勾選 = 短 -> 長" L["Toggle posting the default Message."] = "開啟發送預設資訊." L["Toggle posting to Chat."] = "開啟發送到聊天頻道." L["Toggle showing Cooldown Spiral on the Buttons."] = "是否在圖示上顯示冷卻秒針" L["Toggle showing Cooldown Time at the Buttons."] = "是否在圖示上顯示冷卻時間" L["Toggle showing the Cooldowns after passing the Limit."] = "是否在長冷卻進入時限內後重新顯示" L["Toggle useing Multirow."] = "是否使用多行顯示" L["Up"] = "上" -- L["Use $spell for spell name and $time for cooldowntime."] = true L["Use Multirow"] = "多行顯示" L["Use \'$cooldown\' to add Cooldown name."] = "使用 \'$cooldown\' 來添加冷卻名稱" L["Use \'$icon\' to add Cooldown Icon."] = "使用 \'$icon\' 來添加冷卻圖示." L["Use default Message"] = "使用預設資訊" L["X - Axis"] = "X 座標" L["Y - Axis"] = "Y 座標" L["Yell"] = "大喊" L["You can get the ItemID from www.wowhead.com!"] = "物品ID可以從www.wowhead.com上查詢" L["is not an valid ItemName/ID or the Item is not in local Itemcache."] = "無效的物品名稱/ID,或者物品不在本地緩存中" L["~ Add Item ~"] = "添加物品"