Sir, ya mind explainin' why we're out here with these dumb AGRIA colonists!? Fool! I already told you four times! We're out here to stop these dang colonists from rebelin'! Didn't ya hear, Raynor's out there and there are Zeeerg about! So.. yeah, uh... We have to come out here for some reason and check. The commander didn't really say why, he just said look for anything out of the ordinary.. Didn't the commander already say this play was clear of Zerg? *Biker Interrupts with ranting* *Squad walks up to the Town* Welcome to my town... my name is Sheriff Rick... this is my Deputy, Anders.. HARRRO!! If you want to cause trouble in my town... you better come locked and loaded. YEH! DATS REIGHT! IMMA DUPOOTY! My name is Mayor Kent, 'scuse the the Sherriff... he watches too many Chuck T.Bone movies... I mean Chuck Norris. HEEEHOO Now, what'ya Dumb- I mean Dominion.. hehe. Marines wantin' with my small Agria town? HEEEHOO That's no way to talk to a Dominion Officer, I could arrest you for that! Hehehehe, who other than me would want to run this backwater crap-town!? I mean, with your war goin' on with Raynor, I doubt some younglin' Dominion Governor would be wantin' my position.HEEHOO MAYOR! MAYOR! OH PLEASE TELL ME IT'S WAR!! No no no!!! It's not war! Well in that case, get my mah rubber ducky!! *Quack, Quack* ---- Twilight Ripoff Scene: You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is pale-white, ice-cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like... you're from a different time. I know what the Hybrids are. What you are. Say it. Out loud. Say it. ... Duran...