Step 1

Extract HerobrineAI.jar to plugins.

Step 2

Run server and let the server generate config.yml.

Note:You can use /hb allworlds command in console to automatically add all worlds into config.
In this case you can skip Step 3 and 4.

Step 3

Open plugins/HerobrineAI/config.yml
Edit Worlds in config and change it to yours.

Note: Worlds is all worlds where Herobrine can appear and do something.

This is default

- world

Change it to

- your_world_name
- your_other_world_name

Note: World´s name cannot have blank spaces!

Step 4

Use /hb-ai reload to reload config.

Commands don´t work!

Check if you are using proper version here.
If yes, report a ticket here.

Herobrine stays at x:0 y:-20 z:0

Use /hb-ai position and check if there is available world.
If there is not, try reinstalling it.

Herobrine has default skin!

Sometimes minecraft skin server is down and you can´t see his skin.